5 de setembro de 2009

Coisas de gente sem ter o que fazer...

Hoje eu vou postar uns textos muito bonitos que eu encontrei por aí esses dias... Espero que curtam... [PS: eu estou tentando evitar de escrever muito pq se não fica muito chato, o povo é meio sem paciência pra leituras, sabe!? hehe]

"I want a guy who calls you
beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back
when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake
just to watch you sleep.
The boy who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world.
Who thinks you're pretty without
makeup on. The one who is
constantly reminding you of
how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you."
"People change,
Things go wrong.
But just remember,
Life goes on."

I am not,
Made me
I am."

"Life is too precious
To worry about stupid shit.
So have fun, go party
& fall in love.
Say what you want to say.
Do what you want to do.
regret nothing
& don't let people
Who don't matter,
Bring you down."

"In the end it's not
going to matter
How many breaths
You took, but how
Many moments took
you breath away."

To mondays that feel
Like Saturdays,
And tanlines from

"There are four
things you cannot
Recorver in life:
The stone... after is thrown,
The word... after is sad,
The occasion... after is missed,
The time... after is gone."

"Laugh your heart out
Dance in the rain
Cherish the moment
ignore the pain
Live, laugh, love
Forgive & forget
Life is too short to be
Living with regrets."


Galerinha mais ou menos, tem mais, muito mais, mas fiquemos por aqui, pra não ficar muito extenso, de novo... hehehehe.


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